Suchergebnisse - Cumming, John 1684 or 5-1729
- Treffer 1 – 9 von 9
1The grounds of the present differences, among the London ministers: In two parts. I. A Dissertation concerning the Authority of Scripture-Consequences in Matters of Faith. Being An Answer to Mr. Evans's Letter. To which is added A Postscript relating to the Sonship of Christ, shewing the Uncertainty of the main Principle on which the Arians found their Faith in a Dependent God; with a particular Reference to Dr. Clark's scheme. Part II. Considerations on the Proses'd Agreement of the Non-Subscribing Ministers, with the Subscribers, in their Sentiments concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity. Wherein Some of the principal Passage, in both Parts of the Reply are impartially Examin'd, and the Subscribers clear'd from the Charge of Imposition. By John Cumming, M. A. Minister of the ... Church in LondonVeröffentlicht 1720Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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2Remarks on Dr. Bentley's sermon upon popery: preach'd before the University of Cambridge, November the 5th, 1715. By John Commins, M.A. Minister of the Gospel to the Scotch Congregation at Founders-HallVeröffentlicht 1716Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3A funeral sermon on occasion of the death of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Benjamin Robinson: who departed this life April 30, 1724. Preach'd at Little St. Helens, May 10: With some account of his life and character. By John Cumming, M. A. Minister of the Scots Church, in LondonVeröffentlicht 1724Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4Advice to Christians, to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints: A discourse to a society of young men in Jewen-Street; on Easter-Monday, 1719. Publish'd at their Request. With Marginal Strictures: Shewing, I. That the Trimuphs of the Arians, on the Head of the Generation of the Son, are groundless. II. That the Characters of Supremacy are applied to our Lord in Scripture. III. That plain Scripture-Consequences are to be regarded as Matters of Revllation, &c. By John Cumming, M. A. Minister of the Scols Church in LondonVeröffentlicht 1719Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5Advice to Christians: A discourse to a society of young men in Jewen-Street; on Easter-Monday, 1719. Publish'd at their Request. With Marginal Strictures: Shewing, I. That the Triumphs of the Arjans, on the Head of the Generation of the Son, are groundless. II. That the Characters of Supremacy are applied to our Lord in Scripture. III. That plain Scripture-Consequences are to be regarded as Matters of Revelation, &c. By John Cumming, M.A. Minister of the Scots Church in LondonVeröffentlicht 1719Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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6The conspiracies of evil-designing men against the real interests of Christ's kingdom: &c. and their disappointments. A sermon preach'd at Founders-Hall, November 5, 1717. Containing brief remarks on some passages in Dr. Snape's late Vindication, &c. By John Cumming, M. A. Minister of the Scots Church in LondonVeröffentlicht 1717Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7Remarks on Dr. Bentley's sermon upon popery: preach'd before the University of Cambridge, November the 5th, 1715Veröffentlicht 1716Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8Remarks on Dr. Bentley's sermon upon popery: Preach'd before the University of Cambridge, November the 5th, 1715. By John Cumming, M.A. minister of the Gospel at CambridgeVeröffentlicht 1716Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9The general corruptions and defection of the present times: as to Matters of Religion; with other Threat'ning Symptoms, &c. Consider'd in a discourse preach'd at Newport-Pagnel, in the county of Bucks, July the 14th, 1714. before an association of ministers: Wherein are laid down, The Duties that are immediately incumbent upon Christians, with respect to the Present State of Religion among us; With an Address to Dissenting Ministers; containing A Brief Vindication of Protestant Dissenters from the Charge of Schism, occasion'd by the Bill for preventing the Growth of Schism. Publish'd at the Request of the Ministers; with some Enlargements. By John Cumming, M.A. Minister of the Gospel at CambridgeVeröffentlicht 1714Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
Elektronisch E-Book