Search Results - Cronin, Vincent 1924-2011
Vincent Cronin

Cronin was born in Tredegar, Monmouthshire, to Scottish physician and novelist A. J. Cronin, and May Gibson, but moved to London at the age of two. He was educated at Ampleforth College, Harvard University, the Sorbonne, and Trinity College, Oxford, from which he graduated with honours in 1947, earning a degree in Literae Humaniores. During the Second World War, he served as a lieutenant in the British Army. Provided by Wikipedia
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1The flowering of the RenaissancePublished 2001Call Number: Loading…
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2The Florentine RenaissancePublished 2001Call Number: Loading…
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3The flowering of the RenaissancePublished 1993Call Number: Loading…
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4Ludwig XVI. und Marie-Antoinette (Louis and Antoinette, dt.- Übertr. v. Monika Curths)Published 1975Call Number: Loading…
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5Louis and AntoinettePublished 1974Call Number: Loading…
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6Napoleon [dt.] Eine BiogrPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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7NapoleonPublished 1971Call Number: Loading…
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8The flowering of the RenaissancePublished 1969Call Number: Loading…
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9Abenteuer des Herzens (Four women in pursuit of an ideal, dt.) Vier Frauen d. RomantikPublished 1968Call Number: Loading…
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10Der Jesuit als MandarinPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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11A pearl to India: the life of Roberto de NobiliPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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12A pearl to India: the life of Roberto de NobiliPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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13Der letzte Zug der schwarzen ZeltePublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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14The last migrationPublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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15Die goldene Wabe Sizilien: mit 21 Bildtafeln und 1 KartePublished 1956Call Number: Loading…
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16Katharina die Große: BiographiePublished 2006Call Number: Loading…
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17Katharina die Grosse: BiographiePublished 1996Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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18Napoleon: Stratege und StaatsmannPublished 1995Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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19Paris on the eve: 1900 - 1914Published 1989Call Number: Loading…
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20Säulen des Himmels (The view from planet earth, man looks at the cosmos, dt.) Die Weltbilder d. AbendlandesPublished 1981Call Number: Loading…
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