Suchergebnisse - Copland, Patrick
- Treffer 1 – 6 von 6
1Virginias God be thanked: or a sermon of thanksgivingVeröffentlicht 1622Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2A declaration how the monies (viz. seuenty pound eight shillings sixe pence) were disposed, which was gathered (by M. Patrick Copland, preacher in the Royall Iames) at the Cape of good hope, (towards the building of a free schoole in Virginia) of the gentlemen and marriners in the said ship: a list of whose names are vnder specified, for Gods glory, their comfort, and the incouragement of others to the furthering of the same, or the like pious workeVeröffentlicht 1622Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3Virginia's God be thanked, or A sermon of thanksgiving for the happie successe of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare. Preached by Patrick Copland at Bow-Church in Cheapside, before the Honorable Virginia Company, on Thursday, the 18. of Aprill 1622. And now published by the commandement of the said honorable Company. Hereunto are adjoyned some epistles, written first in Latine (and now Englished) in the East Indies by Peter Pope, an Indian youth, borne in the bay of Bengala, who was first taught and converted by the said P.C. And after baptized by Master Iohn Wood, Dr in Divinitie, in a famous assembly before the Right Worshipfull, the East India Company, at S. Denis in Fan-Church streete in London, December 22. 1616Veröffentlicht 1622Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4A declaration how the monies were disposed in VirginiaVeröffentlicht 1622Signatur: Wird geladen …
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5A second courante of newes from the East India in two letters. The one written by Master Patricke Copland then preacher to the English in the East India, to master Adrian Iacobson Hulsebus preacher to the Dutch. The other written by Master Thomas Knowles factor there &c. By both which letters you may vnderstand of some other occurrents betwixt the English and Dutch in those partsVeröffentlicht 1622Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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6Vier Bysondere Reysen Na Oost-Indien: Zijnde de 1. deser, de 9. van de Engelse Oost-Indise Maatschappy, ... door Kapiteyn Edmund Marlow ... Gedaan in het jaar 1611 en vervolgens ; de Tweede is de Tiende van de Engelse Maatschappy ... door Mr. Thomas Best ... gedaan in het jaar 1611 en vervolgens : Hier is nog by-gevoegd een Aanhangsel van Eenige Bysonderheeden, door Mr. Copland, Predikant, Robert Boner, Schipper, en Nicolaas Withington, Koopman ... : De Derde behelst de Elfde Reys van de Engelse Maatschappy ... beschreeven door Ralph Wilson, Gedaan in het Jaar 1611 en vervolgens : De Vierde is die met het Schip de Paarl, daar Samuel Castelton Kapiteyn op was, beschreeven door Johan Tatton, Schipper, Gedaan in het Jaar 1612 en vervolgensVeröffentlicht 1707Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen …