Search Results - Cook, Sarah
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1Mastering effective influencing skills for win-win outcomes: a practical guidewPublished 2024Call Number: Loading…Read online
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2Effective career development: advice for establishing an enjoyable careerPublished 2023Call Number: Loading…Read online
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3Effective career development: advice for establishing an enjoyable careerPublished 2022Call Number: Loading…Read online
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4Well-being in the workplace: a guide to resilience for individuals and teamsPublished 2021Call Number: Loading…Read online
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5Making a Success of Managing and Working RemotelyPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…Read online
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6Making a success of managing and working remotelyPublished 2019Call Number: Loading…Read online
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7Essential time management and organisation: a pocket guidePublished 2011Call Number: Loading…Read online
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8Coping with unplanned absences: a pocket guidePublished 2010Call Number: Loading…Read online
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9Coaching for high performance: how to develop exceptional results through coachingPublished 2009Call Number: Loading…Read online
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10The effective manager: management skills for high performancePublished 2009Call Number: Loading…Read online
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11Building a High Performance Team: Proven Techniques for Effective Team WorkingPublished 2009Call Number: Loading…Read online
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12Leading for Success: Unleash Your Leadership Potential to Achieve Extraordinary ResultsPublished 2009Call Number: Loading…Read online
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13Customer care excellence: how to create an effective customer focusPublished 2008Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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14The battle for China's spirit: religious revival, repression, and resistance under Xi JinpingPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…
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15Rethinking curating: art after new mediaPublished 2010Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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16Customer care: implementing total quality in today's service-driven organisationPublished 1994Call Number: Loading…
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17Complaint management excellence: creating customer loyalty through service recoveryPublished 2012Call Number: Loading…
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18Trevor Paglen: From 'Apple' to 'Anomaly' (Pictures and Labels): selections from the ImageNet database for object recognitionPublished 2019Call Number: Loading…
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19New media art and canonization: a round-robin conversationPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…
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20Measuring customer service effectivenessPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…
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