Suchergebnisse - Cecil, William 1520-1598
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1A declaration of the favourable dealing of her Majesties Commissioners ...Veröffentlicht 1969Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
2A declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners appointed for the examination of certaine traitours and of tortures vniustly reported to be done vpon them for matters of religionVeröffentlicht 1969Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
3The execution of justice in EnglandVeröffentlicht 1965Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
4Advice to a son: preceptsVeröffentlicht 1962Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
5The copie of a letter sent out of England to an ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine: declaring the state of England contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniards and others. Whereunto are adioyned certain advertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish navy, as well in fight with the Englishnavie in the narrow seas of England; as also by tempests and contrary winds, upon the west and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond ScotlandVeröffentlicht 1641Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
6Certaine precepts or directions for the well ordering of a man's lifeVeröffentlicht 1636Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
7Certaine precepts or directions for the well ordering of a man's lifeVeröffentlicht 1618Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
8Certaine precepts of directions for the well ordering of a man's lifeVeröffentlicht 1617Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
9Certaine precepts: or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also conomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his son at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. And published from a more perfect copy, then ordinary those pocket manuscripts goe warranted by. With some other precepts and sentences of the same nature added: taken from a person of like place, and qualitieVeröffentlicht 1617Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
10Ordinances for the order and government of the Hospitall of Stanford BaronVeröffentlicht 1597Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
11Ordinances made by Sir William Cecill: Knight of the Order of the Garter, Baron of Burghley, for the order and gouernement of xiij. poore men, whereof one to be the warden of the hospitall at Stanford Baron in the countie of Northampton, to remaine in a chest in a chamber in the sayd hospitall, locked vp in a chest with two seuerall locks, the keyes whereof to be in the custodie of the Vicar of S. Martins and the bailiffe of the manour. xx. Augusti Anno xxxix. Elizabethae Reginæ, & anno domini 1597Veröffentlicht 1597Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
12Discours veritable de diverses conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tresexcellente Majesté de la Royne: par assassinemens autant barbares, comme sa conseruation a esté miraculeuse de la main du Tout-puissant, opposée aux desseings pernicieux de ses Anglois rebelles, & aux violences de ses trespuissants ennemis estrangersVeröffentlicht 1595Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
13A true report of sundry horrible conspiracies to have taken away the life of the queens majestieVeröffentlicht 1594Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
14Discours veritable de diuerses conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tresexcellente Maiesté de la Roine: par assassinemens autant barbares, comme sa conseruation a esté miraculeuse de la main du tout puissant, opposée aux desseings pernicieux de ses Anglois rebelles, & aux violences de ses trespuissants ennemis estrangersVeröffentlicht 1594Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
15The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine: declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as aIso [sic] by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond ScotlandVeröffentlicht 1588Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
16The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine: declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond ScotlandVeröffentlicht 1588Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
17The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine: declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as aIso [sic] by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond ScotlandVeröffentlicht 1588Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
18The letters of Lord Burghley, William Cecil, to his son Sir Robert Cecil, 1593-1598Veröffentlicht 2017Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
19A declaration of the favourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners appointed for the examination of certaine traitoursVeröffentlicht 1969Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
20Practical morality; or, a guide to men and manners: consisting of Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son: to which is added, a supplement: containing extracts from various books, recommended by Lord Chesterfield to Mr. Stanhope : together with the polite philosopher; or, an essay on the art which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others: Dr. Blair's advice to youth, Dr. Fordyce on honour as a principle, Lord Burghley's ten precepts to his son, Dr. Franklin's way to wealth and Pope's universal prayerVeröffentlicht 1818Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen …