Search Results - Ceausescu, Ilie
Ilie Ceaușescu
Ilie Ceaușescu (8 June 1926 – 1 October 2002) was a Romanian army general and communist politician who was Deputy Defence Minister of Communist Romania during the rule of his older brother, Nicolae Ceaușescu.Ilie's military and political career was helped by Nicolae; between 1980 and 1989, he was a member of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, and, in 1982-1989, he was Deputy Minister of Defense.
Ilie Ceaușescu was also a historian, and he influenced Nicolae in establishing protochronism as Romania's official historiography and an important part of the national propaganda system. For instance, he claimed that the Romanian people have been always the same since time immemorial, being very little influenced by other people (Romans, Slavs, Mongols) etc.:
After the Romanian Revolution and the execution of Nicolae Ceaușescu, in 1990 it was claimed that both Ilie and Marin Ceaușescu were involved in a series of transactions between the United States and Romania, which consisted of selling Soviet military technology. The deal was allegedly worth $40 million, part of which was allegedly deposited in Swiss bank accounts. However, Ilie Ceaușescu rejected that.
After his release he retired from public life, and died 13 years later at the age of 76. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Romanian military doctrine: past and presentPublished 1988Call Number: Loading…
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2Independenţa poporului român - obiectiv fundamental al politicii Partidului Comunist Român: tradiţie, actualitate, prespectivăPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…
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3200 de zile mai devreme: rolul României în scurtarea celui de-al doilea război mondialPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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4U.T.C. Uniunea Tineretu lui Comunist şi tineretul din armată 1922-1944Published 1974Call Number: Loading…
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5Ilie Ceauşescu, Vasile I.Mocanu [u.] Ion Călin. Drum de gloriiPublished 1977Call Number: Loading…
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6România în războiul pentru independenţă naţională - 1877-1878Published 1972Call Number: Loading…
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7Transilvania - străvechi pamînt românescPublished 1988Call Number: Loading…
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8From the Dacian state to socialist Romania: 2000 years of statehoodPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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9Transilvania: străvechi pămînt românescPublished 1984Call Number: Loading…
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10Războiul întregului popor pentru apărarea patriei la româniPublished 1980Call Number: Loading…
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11200 Tage früher: der Beitrag Rumäniens zur Verkürzung des Zweiten WeltkriegesPublished 1987Call Number: Loading…
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12A turning point in World War II: 23 Aug. 1944 in RomaniaPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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13A turning point in World War II: 23 August 1944 in RomaniaPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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14Transylvania: an ancient Romanian landPublished 1983Call Number: Loading…
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15La Transylvanie - ancienne terre roumainePublished 1983Call Number: Loading…
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16La guerre du peuple tout entier pour la défense de la patrie chez les Roumains: depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos joursPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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17La guerre du peuple tout entier pour la défense de la patrie chez les Roumains: depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos joursPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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18The entire people's war for the homeland's defence with the Romanians: from times of yore to present daysPublished 1980Call Number: Loading…
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19Războiul întregului popor pentru apărarea patriei la români: din cele mai vechi timpuri pînă în zilele noastre = The entire people's war for the homeland's defence with the Romanians. ...Published 1980Call Number: Loading…
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20The Romanian defence concept: English version by Ecaterina RaduPublished 1984Call Number: Loading…
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