Suchergebnisse - Carter, Nicholas ca. 1690-1774
- Treffer 1 – 9 von 9
1A sermon preached at Deale in Kent, before the Mayor and corporation, August 9, 1752. Upon a particular occasion. By Nicolas Carter, D.D. curate of the said chapelVeröffentlicht 1752Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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2Seventeen sermons on the following subjects: viz. Of the moral character of God, and our Obligation to imitate it. Christianity in point of Practice the Religion of Nature. Of God's Love to Men, and their consequent Obligation to love one another. Of doing Good. Of doing to others, as we would be done unto. Of the Means of Instruction afforded to Christians. Of the mistaken Reliance on which Sinners ground their Hopes of Salvation. Of the Marks of being led by the Spirit. Of walking after the Flesh, and after the Spirit. The present Mischief of Sin infers a future Punishment. God's Care for the Support of Men inferred from his general Providence. God's Promises a sure Ground of Contentment. Of the temporal Sufferings of Good Men, and the Prosperity of Sinners. Of the Folly of believing Witchcraft, exposed in the History of Balaam. Of dying the Death of the Righteous. By Nicolas Carter, D. D. Curate of St George's Chapel in DealVeröffentlicht 1738Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3A sermon preach'd at the chapel at Deal in Kent, December xvi. 1720: Being the Day appointed by His Majesty for a General Fast, for the obtaining Pardon of our Sins, &c. And particularly for beseeching God to preserve us from the Plague, with which several other Countries are at this Time Visited. By Nicholas Carter, A. M. Curate of the said ChapelVeröffentlicht 1721Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4A sermon occasion'd by the present disturbances, &c. preach'd at Dorchester, October the 2d. 1715. By N. Carter, A.MVeröffentlicht 1715Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5A sermon preached in the chapel at Deal in Kent, on the 11th of February, 1757: Being the day appointed by proclamation for a general fast and humiliation before Almighty God, to be observed in a most devout and solemn Manner, by sending up our Prayers and Supplications to the Divine Majesty ; for Obtaining Pardon of our Sins, and for averting those heavy Judgments which our manifold Provocations have most justly deserved; and imploring his Blessing and Assistance on the Arms of his Majesty by Sea and Land, and for restoring and perpetuating Peace, Safety, and Prosperity to himself, and to his Kingdoms. By Nicolas Carter, D. D. Curate of the said ChapelVeröffentlicht 1757Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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6A sermon preach'd in the chapel: at Deale in Kent, before the Mayor and Corporation, August 9, 1752. Upon a Particular Occasion. By Nicolas Carter, D. D. Curate of the said ChapelVeröffentlicht 1752Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7A sermon preach'd at Dorchester, January the 30th, 1715/16. By Nicholas Carter, A.MVeröffentlicht 1716Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8The success of arms depends upon God's providence: A Sermon Preach'd at Deal-Chapel and Sutton in Kent, On Wednesday Jan. 9. 1739/40. Being the Day appointed by Proclamation for a general Fast and Humiliation before Almighty God, for obtaining Pardon of our Sins, and imploring his Blessing and Assistance on the Arms of His Majesty. By Nicolas Carter, D. D. Curate of the said Chapel, &cVeröffentlicht 1740Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9The obligation of an oath: and particularly of the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration. A Sermon Preach'd at the assizes held at Dorchester, on Friday, March 16. 1715/16. By Nicholas Carter, A. M. Published at the Request of the High-Sheriff, Grand-Jury, and othersVeröffentlicht 1716Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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