Search Results - Carter, Elizabeth B.
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1Actor, author and audience in Aristophanes ThesmophoriazusaePublished 1987Call Number: Loading…
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2[Rezension von: Kohl: Central Asia. Paleolithic Beginnings to the Iron Age (1984)]Published 1991Call Number: Loading…
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3The Susa Sequence - 3000-2000 B.C.: Susa, Ville Royale IPublished 1979Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4[Rezension von: Excavations at Tell Brak, 4: Exploring an Upper Mesopotamian Regional Centre, 1994 - 1996, edited by Roger Matthews (with contributions by Jeremy Black, Sue Colledge, James Conolly, Keith Dobney, Murray Eiland, Candida Felli, Nicholas Jackson, Deborah Jaques, Helen McDonald, Roger Matthews, Wendy Matthews, Caroline Steele, and Wim Van Neer). (McDonald Institute Monographs). Pp. xviii + 446, figs. 333, tables 70. McDonald Institute of Archaeology and the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, Cambridge 2003. ISBN 1-902937-16-3 (cloth)]Published 2004Call Number: Loading…
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