Suchergebnisse - Bure, Anders 1571-1646
- Treffer 1 – 10 von 10
1Orbis arctoi nova et accurata delineatio: 1626 ; text and atlasVeröffentlicht 1936Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
2Svecia siue de Suecorum Regis Dominiis et opibus Commentarius PoliticusVeröffentlicht 1633Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
Standort: Wird geladen …
Buch -
3The history of Gustauus Adolphus, now King of Sweden, second of that name: With a description of his vvhole dominion and conquest, his antiquity, issue and of-spring, his trade and commerce by sea and land, his custome, offices, and revenue, the managing of his affaires in warre and peace. With the manner of his politicke and civill government. Also his most victorious warres since and before his comming into Germany, out of the most truest intelligence that is or hath beene to this present, never so fully or artificially set out beforeVeröffentlicht 1633Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
Elektronisch E-Book -
4Orbis Arctoi, imprimisque Suciae nova et accurata descriptioVeröffentlicht 1631Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
Standort: Wird geladen …
Buch -
5A short survey or history of the kingdome of Sueden: Containing a briefe description of all the provinces of his whole dominion: as also the riches of his kingdome, the antiquity, nature, and manners of that nation; with the government of his realme, might, and power of this great King, as well by sea as by land; his great officers, his customes and revenves of the Crowne. With a genealogy and pedegree of the kings of Sueden, of those especially who have reigned these last five hundred yeers, with some of their most memorable acts and deeds, with their alliance and issue or off-spring. Something also more particularly concerning that illustrious invincible great Gustavus Adolphus the II. and of his wars with the Russian, Denmarke and Poland: as also of his most memorable acts since his comming to the crowne, as well before, as since his entring into Germany, untill this present yeere 1632Veröffentlicht 1632Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
Elektronisch E-Book -
6Suecia, sive de Suecorum Regis Dominiis et opibus: Commentarius politicusVeröffentlicht 1631Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
Standort: Wird geladen …
Buch -
7Orbis arctoi, imprimisque regni Sueciae nova & accurata descriptioVeröffentlicht 1631Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
Standort: Wird geladen …
Buch -
8Suecia, sive de Suecorum regis dominiis et opibus: commentarius politicusVeröffentlicht 1631Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
9Gothia: Perill. ac Dno. Leonhardo Torsten Stonio, Comiti in Ortala, L. B. in Wirista, Dno. in Forstena, Redsta et Rasigk et Sae. Rae. Mas. Regnorumque Sueciae Senatori Campi Mareschallo, ac Vest. Goth. Dal. Werm. Hallandiaeque Gubernatori Generali Tabulam hanc D. D. I. BlaeuVeröffentlicht 1663Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Bure, Anders 1571-1646 …”
Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Karte Wird geladen … -
10Suecia, Dania, Et Norvegia: Regna Europae SeptentrionaliaVeröffentlicht 1635Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Bure, Anders 1571-1646 …”
Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Karte Wird geladen …