Search Results - Brackenbury, George
- Showing 1 – 6 results of 6
1The Campaign in the Crimea: an historical sketch. Illustr. by 40 plates, from drawings taken on the spot by William Simpson. 2. seriesPublished 1856Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2The campaign in the Crimea: an historical sketch[First series]by Brackenbury, GeorgePublished 1855Call Number: Loading…
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3The campaign in the Crimea: an historical sketchSecond seriesby Brackenbury, GeorgePublished 1856Call Number: Loading…
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4Descriptive sketches, illustrating Mr. William Simpson's drawings of the seat of war in the EastBand 1. seriesby Brackenbury, GeorgePublished 1855Call Number: Loading…
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5The campaign in the Crimea: an historical sketchPublished 1855Call Number: Loading…
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6Descriptive sketches, illustrating Mr. William Simpson's drawings of the seat of war in the EastPublished 1855Call Number: Loading…
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