Suchergebnisse - Aitken, James
James Aitken
James Smith Aitken (* 1907 in Markinch; † 20. Juli 1931 in Kirkcaldy) war ein schottischer Fußballspieler. Veröffentlicht in Wikipedia- Treffer 1 – 20 von 32
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4Cambrian sections in the Easternmost southern Rocky Mountains and the adjacent subsurface, AlbertaVeröffentlicht 1968Signatur: Wird geladen …
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7The trial at large of James Hill: otherwise James Hind, otherwise James Aitken, commonly known by the name of John the Painter, who was tried and convicted at the assizes held at Winchester, on Thursday March 6, 1777, ... for setting fire to the rope-house in His Majesty's dock-yard at Portsmouth, ... together with the confession ... also the particulars of his lifeVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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10Reconnaissance studies of proterozoic and cambrian stratigraphy, lower Mackenzie River area (Operation Norman), District of MackenzieVeröffentlicht 1973Signatur: Wird geladen …
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11The trial of James Hill: alias, John the painter, for wilfully and maliciously setting fire to the Rope-House, in the King's Yard at Portsmouth; tried at Winchester, March 6th, 1777. Before the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashurst, knt. and Sir Beaumont Hotham. Taken in short-hand by a gentleman at the trialVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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12The life of James Aitken: commonly called John the Painter, an incendiary, who was tried at the Castle of Winchester, on Thursday the 7th day of March, 1777, and convicted of setting fire to His Majesty's dock-yard, at Portsmouth, Exhibiting a detail of Facts of the utmost Importance to Great Britain. The whole faithfully taken down from the convict's own mouth, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, preceding his ExecutionVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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13The trial of James Hill: commonly called John the Painter, at the castle of Winchester, on Thursday the 6th day of March, 1777, Before The Hon. Sir Beaumont Hotham, Knt. for wilfully and maliciously setting fire to a certain building called the rope-house, in His Majesty's dock-yard at Portsmouth. To which i added the particulars of his confession, taken down from his own Mouth by Sir John Fielding's Clerk, the Morning after his CondemnationVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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14The trial (at large) of James Hill: otherwise, James Hind; otherwise, James Actzen: for feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously, setting fire to the rope-house, in His Majesty's dock-yard at Portsmouth. Tried at the assize, at Winchester, on Thursday, March 6, 1777. Before the Honorable Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's-Bench; and Sir Beaumont Hotham, Knt. One of the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Taken, in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney: and Published by Permission of the JudgesVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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16Geology, Colville Lake map-area, and part of Coppermine map-area (96 NW and NE, part of 86 NW) Northwest territoriesVeröffentlicht 1971Signatur: Wird geladen …
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18The whole trial of John the Painter: for setting fire to the rope-house at Portsmouth, which came on at the assizes held at Winchester, on Thursday last, the 6th of March, 1777Veröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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19A short account of the motives which determined the man, called John the Painter: and a justification of his conduct; written by himself, and sent to his friend, Mr. A. Tomkins, with a request to publish it after his executionVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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20The life of James Aitken, commonly called John the Painter, an incendiary: who was tried at the castle of Winchester, on Thursday the 7th day of March, 1777, and convicted of setting fire to His Majesty's dock-yard, at Portsmouth Exhibiting a detail of Facts of the utmost Importance to Great Britain. The Whole faithfully taken down from the convict's own mouth, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, preceding his Execution. Published by AuthorityVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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