Search Results - Živković, Miloš
- Showing 1 – 17 results of 17
1Media law in SerbiaPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…
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2Depictions of St. Mark of Ephesus in post-Byzantine art: = Predstave Marka Efeskog u postvizantijskoj umetnostiPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3Within the development framework of Byzantine artistic trendsPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…
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4Ikona Bogorodice sa Hristom i Svetim Nikolom iz manastira Svete Trojice u Pljevljima: prilog proučavanju slikarskog opusa Maksima TujkovićaPublished 2013Call Number: Loading…
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5Manje poznate i nepoznate ikone iz riznice manastira Praskvice: dela slikara Radila, Dimitrija i Maksima TujkovićaPublished 2012Call Number: Loading…
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6Media law in SerbiaPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…
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7Serbian paths of Rhomaean culture: the role of Serbia in spreading Byzantine-style art towards the West and North of EuropePublished 2016Call Number: Loading…
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8Studenica: the funerary church of the dynastic founder: the cornerstone of church and state independencePublished 2016Call Number: Loading…
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9O. Delouis, A. Couderc, P. Guran, eds., Héritages de Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est à l'époque moderne et contemporainePublished 2015Call Number: Loading…
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10Deizisni čin iz Pive: prilog proučavanju ikonostasa i ikonopisa u pivskom manastiruPublished 2014Call Number: Loading…
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11Prilozi proučavanju arhiјereјskih predstava u katolikonu manastira Studenice: = Contribitions to the study of the images of hierarchs in the Catholicon of Studenica MonasteryPublished 2014Call Number: Loading…
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12O Vizantijskom poreklu figuralnih minijatura Beogradske AleksandrijePublished 2013Call Number: Loading…
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13Warrior saints at Nerezi: the selection of figures and other remarks on their iconography = Sveti ratnici u Nerezima : personalni sastav i druga zapažanja o ikonografijiPublished 2022Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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14Triptih iz manastira Svete Katarine na Sinaju: nepoznato delo starog srpskog ikonopisa = Triptych from Saint Catherine's monastery at Sinai : an unknown work of old Serbian icon paintingТриптих из манастира Свете Катарине на Синају непознато дело старог српског иконописаby Živković, MilošPublished 2021Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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15Media Law in SerbiaPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…
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16The legendary ruler in medieval guise: few observations on the iconography of Belgrade Alexandride = Legendarnyj pravitelʹ v srednevekovych odeždach : ob ikonografii belgradskoj AleksandriiPublished 2011Call Number: Loading…
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17Law and transition: collection of papersPublished 2017Other Authors: “…Živković, Miloš…”
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